
The Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain, often known as cervicalgia, is discomfort in or around the cervical spine beneath the head. The cervical spine is also known as your neck. Neck pain in Singapore is a typical sign of a variety of accidents and diseases.

You may be experiencing axial neck pain (felt predominantly in the neck) or radicular neck pain (pain that shoots into other areas of your body, such as your arms or shoulders). It can be either acute (lasting between days and six weeks) or chronic (lasting longer than three months).

If left untreated, neck pain can interfere with everyday activities and diminish the quality of life.

Thankfully, the majority of neck pain reasons are not significant and respond well to conservative therapy, such as pain medication, exercise, and stress management.

What does neck pain feel like?

Several individuals describe the ache as:

  • A constant discomfort.
  • A sharp or searing ache.
  • A pain radiating from the individual’s neck to their shoulders or arms.

Neck pain may be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Neck, shoulders, and upper back stiffness.
  • Inability to turn the neck or tilt the head.
  • Numbness or a pins-and-needles sensation in the shoulders or arms.

Who experiences neck pain?

10% to 20% of the adult population suffers from neck pain. It is more prevalent among women and people designated female at birth. The risk of acquiring it rises as you age.

Among the common reasons for neck discomfort, or cervicalgia, are strain, injury, and stress.

What are the potential causes of neck pain?

There are several potential reasons for neck pain, including:


As you age, normal wear and tear can cause the cervical spine to atrophy or degrade, resulting in discomfort. Neck discomfort can be caused by degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis (the deterioration of joint cartilage) and spinal stenosis (narrowing the gaps in your spine). Over time, stress and repetitive motions can compromise the discs in your spine, resulting in a herniated disc or pinched nerve.

Physical strain

Overusing neck muscles during strenuous or repetitive activity can result in stiffness and discomfort. Bad posture, weak abdominal muscles, and excess body weight can impair the spine’s alignment and exacerbate neck discomfort. For instance, extending your neck to view a computer screen for extended periods of time is a typical source of neck pain.

Mental stress

The tightening of neck muscles due to mental stress can result in neck discomfort and stiffness. Many individuals who contract these muscles in response to stress or agitation are unaware of their behaviour until their neck begins to hurt.


Trauma and injuries can damage the spinal cord’s muscles, ligaments, discs, vertebral joints, and nerve roots, resulting in neck discomfort. Whiplash is a frequent injury that causes neck discomfort in motor accidents.


Masses, such as tumours, cysts, and bone spurs, can place pressure on the neck’s nerves and cause pain.